Basic Navigation Day
Learn Map-Reading Skills in a Day
This course will teach you how to navigate on low level paths using map and compass. The content is suitable for both beginners or intermediate navigators.
This course is the first day of our NNAS Bronze award - this is suitable if you just want to cover the basic content in a day and don't need to be assessed for the award.
We will start by explaining and demonstrating the basic navigational principles of map and compass. Once we have covered the fundamentals we will go on a navigational journey as a group. This will be a chance to test people's ability to relate the map features to the landscape, and demonstrate navigation strategies.
Learning Outcomes
Here are some of the key skills you will be learning:
how to read and take a grid reference
how to use a map and compass to navigate between two points
how to interpret terrain based on map contours
to understand the nature of a map as a two dimensional plan.
to understand how to use map symbols and scales, on a variety of maps.
to orientate the map with and without a compass.
to use the orientated map to identify land features and indicate direction of travel.
to choose simple navigation strategies and routes.
to use linear features (e.g. paths and tracks) as handrails in simple navigation exercises.
to estimate distance on both map and ground.
about contours, matching major landforms like hills and valleys to their map representation.
to plan a safe, suitable walk.
how to relocate when lost.
access rights and responsibilities.
More Details
Price: £120 per person
Location: can be held in Sussex, Surrey, or Moidart on the West Coast of Scotland.
Duration: 1 day 09.00 - 16.00.
Group size: usually 2 - 6 people
Facilities: course is outdoors all day so we will usually have a tarp for some lessons
What to bring: Course-specific kit list